Envision RISE

To evolve into an environment where all people are encouraged to draw upon and voice their unique experiences, perspectives and backgrounds.

Success today and in the future requires equipping and developing leaders to navigate issues and challenges resulting from an ever-increasing global and diverse work environment.

Effective sustainability strategies must also be aligned with local cultures. Leaders at all levels must understand the expectations and be held accountable to help create and sustain a culture of equality where all individuals can advance and thrive.


Envision RISE

To evolve into an environment where all people are encouraged to draw upon and voice their unique experiences, perspectives and backgrounds.

Success today and in the future requires equipping and developing leaders to navigate issues and challenges resulting from an ever-increasing global and diverse work environment.

Effective sustainability strategies must also be aligned with local cultures. Leaders at all levels must understand the expectations and be held accountable to help create and sustain a culture of equality where all individuals can advance and thrive.

Business transformation can be disruptive, but the True North DE&I Actualization Model offers a proven pragmatic methodology which guides decision making, minimizes disruption, and lowers risk.

This is achieved through inclusive interaction with all stakeholders at all levels. This philosophy requires direct, transparent, and sometimes challenging discussions, which also builds trust between EnvisionRISE experts and client staff – a true partnership.

We will align the tangible and intangible elements of the organizational ecosystem.

  • Tangible – people, processes, infrastructure
  • Intangible – motivations, relationships and culture


Business transformation can be disruptive, but the True North DE&I Actualization Model offers a proven pragmatic methodology which guides decision making, minimizes disruption, and lowers risk.

This is achieved through inclusive interaction with all stakeholders at all levels. This philosophy requires direct, transparent, and sometimes challenging discussions, which also builds trust between EnvisionRISE experts and client staff – a true partnership.

We will align the tangible and intangible elements of the organizational ecosystem.

  • Tangible – people, processes, infrastructure
  • Intangible – motivations, relationships and culture



The RISE platform provides a voice to the individual and an inclusive framework critical to cultural sustainability, innovation and bottomline enterprise efficiency. Through an ecosystem health survey & assessment, the RISE service model establishes clear objectives, concise indicators, and valid transformation plans that allow the enterprise to measure progress, ensure success, and continually improve. The service model promotes, enables, and empowers Organizational Evolution & Sustainability.

1. Ecosystem Health & Commitment for Change

The RISE ecosystem assessment reveals strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the areas of leadership, culture, talent, and marketplace. Convergence to the goals and culture of an organization is based on intentionally and thoughtfully aligning the organizational and individual values and goals that make up the workforce.

2. Employee Focus Groups & Functional Training

Earn Envision RISE certifications while identifying methods to make your organization a more dynamic place to work by understanding the institutionalized, perceptual, and psychological elements that drive the behaviors and interactions of people.

3. Ecosystem Evolution

The confusion between conformity versus convergence to an organization’s culture is the underlying cause of the zero-sum perception. Leadership typically promote and expect conformity from the workforce to the goals and culture of the organization. This mindset presents a barrier to equity and inclusion.

Institutionalizing tangible change requires a transformative process that is successfully guided and managed to leverage the entirety of the organization’s resources. This is the only way to create sustainable and positive change toward a more inclusive and healthy organizational culture.

4. Organizational Sustainability

Legacy organization change management mindsets do not work. True North DE&I Actualization requires an evolution of the policies, procedures, and systems of the organization. 

Clear objectives, concise indicators, and valid transformation plans allow the enterprise to measure, ensure success, and continually improve.

The RISE Human Resources Management DNA: End-to-End Ecosystem Framework

Unbiased Communication, Collaboration, Compensation and Compliance

Ensuring continual evolution, the HRM DNA analysis performs an ecosystem traceability audit. This powerful service is the analysis of an organization's HRM DNA coupled with the RISE DE&I Maturity Model.
An unbiased DNA analysis of the business offers an eye-opening visibility that defines the makeup of the unique DNA of your own organization and identifies areas of improvement and processes that are missing the mark.

Survey Definition


Define Maturity Matrix


Break Down Levels of Maturity


Define Questions to Establish Baseline


Validate Sufficient Data Capture

Develop Swimlane Categories to Define Levels of Maturity

Break down the swim lanes into survey goals & objectives

Drive clear evidence to conclusively define organizational goals & objectives

Review anticipated outcomes and ensure alignment with client needs

Survey Definition


Define Maturity Matrix

Develop Swimlane Categories to Define Levels of Maturity


Break Down Levels of Maturity

Break down the swim lanes into survey goals & objectives


Define Questions to Establish Baseline

Drive clear evidence to conclusively define organizational goals & objectives


Validate Sufficient Data Capture

Review anticipated outcomes and ensure alignment with client needs

Focus Groups

Focus groups provide greater context to survey results. Employees are provided an opportunity to share their experiences and connect with one another.








Focus Groups

Focus groups provide greater context to survey results. Employees are provided an opportunity to share their experiences and connect with one another.








Tailored Training & Services

Leveraging the highly versatile RISE Platform, we will tailor training and services as needed.

DEI is not one-size-fits-all.


Creating effective retention strategies that improve the environment to decrease turnover of high potential resources should be one of leadership’s most important jobs. All employees have unique desires and goals. They want to feel that they are appreciated by their employer and treated fairly. They want to be challenged and excited by the job they are asked to do.


High-performing organizations prioritize curiosity and innovation within their workplace culture. To achieve improvement, it’s essential to consistently nurture and maintain these qualities. In today’s business landscape, there is a growing emphasis on constructing enterprise ecosystems that actively foster and value diverse perspectives.


Incorporating culture into your business strategy can provide a significant advantage. By strategically aligning your business with the employee lifecycle and your overarching goals and objectives, you empower your workforce. A well-crafted strategy not only facilitates employee retention but also actively supports their continuous growth and development.


In today’s dynamic business landscape, RISE showcases a solid and purposeful commitment to embodying your corporate values and achieving organizational excellence. The RISE Maturity Model commences by identifying gaps — in outcomes, policies, and perceptions — and sets the stage for an ongoing, collaborative dialogue and improvement strategy.

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Let’s Meet

    Stay Connected

    Staci Hegarty (she/her)
    Global Director of Equity & Inclusion


    Let’s Meet