The Little Things Matter in Employee Retention

The Little Things Matter in Employee Retention By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed. The statistics are well known. It takes 50% (or more) of an employee’s annual salary to replace them if they leave. Unemployment is at a 50-year low. Competition for talented employees is fierce. Baby Boomers will all be at…

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Better Relationships for Effective Change Management

Better Relationships for Effective Change Management By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed. 70% of organizational change initiatives are unsuccessful. The workforce itself is undergoing dramatic changes in age, education, gender, race/ethnicity, and disability. More than 50% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have…

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Employee Development with Impact

Employee Development with Impact By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed., COO Employees want and expect their employers to offer timely and relevant career development training. The percentage with the expectation varies based on several factors, including age. More than 90% of the youngest workers, Gen Z, rank…

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The First Six Months

The First Six Months By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed., COO Conventional wisdom encourages people to stick with a new job for at least six months before deciding to move on. While we should be taking care of our employees all the time, this is especially important during the first six months. Since we…

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Intentional Onboarding

Intentional Onboarding By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed., COO Starting a new job brings a range of emotions, from joy to apprehension to anxiety. The first day of a new job sets the tone for what an employee can expect from the organization. Many times, the onboarding process has been in place for years,…

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Ethical Hiring Practices

Ethical Hiring Practices: Building a Robust Workforce in the Modern Employment Era By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed., COO The job vacancy rate in the US is currently 5.4%, higher than the average of 3.55%. Unemployment is at a nearly 50 year low, at 3.7%, By 2030, all Baby Boomers will have reached the…

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The Blueprint for Successful Mentorship Programs

The Blueprint for Successful Mentorship Programs in the Workplace By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed. Mentorship has long been touted as one of the most effective ways to not only improve employee retention and engagement, but also to create a diverse and expansive pool of internal candidates for future…

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Adapting to Thrive: A Strategic Roadmap for Organizational Resilience in 2024

Adapting to Thrive A Strategic Roadmap for Organizational Resilience in 2024 By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed. In today’s dynamic business landscape, where constant change is the norm, organizations must adapt to stay competitive and relevant. However, 50% of change initiatives result in failure, with only…

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The Evolution of Mission, Vision and Values

The Evolution of Mission, Vision and Values By Staci Hegarty, M.Ed. We often treat our organizations’ mission, vision, and values as immovable bedrock. In many ways, they are. Yet as the world changes, we must consider that we may need to adjust or expand the goals and aims of our business.…

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Going Beyond the Survey: Creating Holistic Change from Survey Results

Going Beyond the Survey: Creating Holistic Change from Survey Results Envision RISEEmployee surveys continue to be an invaluable source to organizations. They provide numerous benefits, including measuring employee engagement, assessing employee satisfaction, and collecting feedback. But not all…

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